lunes, 29 de enero de 2018

Lesson 1: El abecedario (The alphabet)

You’ll know every symbol of the Spanish alphabet; in Spanish it is named “abecedario” or “alfabeto”, but the first one is the most common. We only have another letter “ñ”, that beautiful letter makes Spanish so different from other languages which use Latin alphabet.
It is composed by:

We share most of the sounds with English, BUT it’s important to remark that there are many IMPORTANT differences and it makes the difference in your pronunciation.

How to read and pronounce:
I give this link, that is a YouTube video, uploaded by Salvadord, I´d like you to check it and you will know how to read and pronounce “el abecedario” correctly.
Is it difficult to read Spanish?
Of course not! Read Spanish is one of the easiest things to do, you only might know many grammatical rules. In Spanish what is written is read as it is! Easy peasy!

You pronounce A, E, I, O and U with their specific sounds. There are only 5 vowels and a little bit diphthongs, but you only the combination of the sounds of both vowels is pronounced.

For example:
Invierno (winter)
It sounds like i + e

B and V
Those letters sound in the same way, as a b.
For example:
Beso (kiss)
Viento (wind)

That’s all (for now), I give you many examples for vocabulary and remember to pronounce it as you read it:
Vaso (cup/glass)
Beber (to drink)
Reloj (watch/clock)
Gato (cat)
Pato (duck)
Oso (bear)

If you have many doubts or comments feel free to send me an e-mail or comment in the post, it'll help me to know what do you want to know. My best wishes! ¡Hasta luego!

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